10 depictions with caption

1964, light box,
55 x 50 x 12 cm,
wood, mirror, transparent mirror, light tubes, transparent plexi

1964, light box, endless room,
131 x 126 x 16 cm,
wood, mirror, light tubes, transparent plexi, aluminium

Exhibition view: Christian Megert - Ohne Anfang und Ende, Museum Ritter, Waldenbuch, 2014/15
left side: 1972, triptych - 3endless rooms, each: 131 x 126 x 16 cm,
triptych: 444 x 126 x 16 cm
mirror, light tubs, aluminium, wood
right side: 1972, Light kinetic - ZOOM in an endless room,146 x 152 x 40 cm ohne Sockel
mirror, transparent mirror,wood, acryl, light tubes, motor

1972, light box, endless room, 101 x 51 x 12 cm,
wood, mirror, transparent mirror, light tubes, aluminium, Edition 68, Zofingen

1971, one tube in an endless room,
131 x 126 x 16 cm,
wood, mirror, transparent mirror, light tubs, aluminium

Light kinetic, turning triangle in an endless room, 131 x 127 x 31 cm,
wood, mirror, transparent mirror, light tubes, aluminium, motor
Exhibition view: Studio Casati, Merate/Milano

1973-74, light kinetic: turning ellipses in an endless room, each 72 x 68 x 12 cm wood, mirror, transparent mirror, light tubes, motor

1974, sculpture: 3 lightstelae, each 280 x 40 x 40 cm, aluminium, light tubes, transparent mirror
produced on the occasion of Symposium Gorinchem74 /The Netherlands
Todays location: Stadthuis Gorinchem/ The Netherlands

LIGHT BOX -endless room,
155 x 155 x 14 cm
mirror, transparent mirror, wood, acrylic, light tubes, aluminium, transparent white plexi superimpose light sources

1981,light-environment, passage underground of National Bank of Switzerland, Bern,